2023/24 SEASON
• November 9, 2023Louis Armstrong Theatre Lobby, Haas Center for the Performing Arts
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, MI
7:30pm, free admission
Our annual fall campus performance, featuring a commissioned work (Dark Sky
by Judd Greenstein) from our most recent national parks tour, new commissions from alumni Richie Arndorfer and Visiting Professor Olivia Kieffer, plus music from Christian Glascock and Jeff Herriot.
• February 25
Meijer Gardens and Sculpture ParkGrand Rapids, Michigan
11:30am and 2:30pm
A slowly shifting landscape of sound and movement. An 82-minute ambient journey that invites you to slow down and observe and reflect–on the music, the dance, the space around you, and on yourself. Feel free to come and go as you please. Sit, stand, or continually move to explore different perspectives in this beautiful environment. Bill Ryan composer, Hannah Seidel, choreographer. With the GVSU Dance Company.
• March 21, 2024Art Gallery, Haas Center for the Performing Arts
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, MI
7:00pm, free admission
Our annual student composition competition continues as GVSU student composers create 60-second works in response to the Art Gallery show. A judging panel chooses three cash awards, and the audience favorite wins a prize.